Lizzie Hagstedt was a 2021 Jonathan Larson Award Grant finalist and a recipient of a 2023 Cross Arts Collaborative Residency at the Hermitage Artist Retreat. Since writing her first musicals while studying musical theatre at University of Miami, she has become a member of the BMI Lehman Engel Advanced Musical Theatre Workshop.
Current projects include Hereville with Robby Sandler (2023 The Lipinsky Family San Diego Jewish Arts Festival and concert reading at the Center for Jewish History) Oneida with Beth Blatt (Vox Festival at Dartmouth and the Tank NYC), Looking for Ithaca with Gabby Rodriguez and Jess Shoemaker (2022 Asolo Rep educational touring production), Wild West Show with Lisa Helmi Johanson (winner Muriel O'Neil American Heritage Commission), and Sophie Blanchard's High-Flyin' Rock'n'Roll Extravaganza with her own damn self (2024 Moxie Arts Incubator and Asolo Rep Ground Floor).
Her musical Misha Loves Jaja More than Cheese with Jerry Colker received two readings at Theatre 40 in Beverly Hills directed by Andy Cadiff and her musical Rose Petals with Sarah Rebell received a NYMF reading. She has scored several plays for Asolo Rep as well as the ballet Suite Shel for General Mischief Dance Theatre and created the theme music for Justin Sayre's Ravenswood Manor, a Camp-Horror Soap Opera.
A Jewish musical fantasy for family audiences based on the award-winning series of graphic novels by Barry Deutsch that I'm currently working on with my collaborator Robby Sandler.
Sophie Blanchard's High-Flyin' Rock'n'Roll Extrvaganza
An all lady/trans/GNB rock band tells the story of the daredevil life and pyrotechnic death of the first female professional air balloonist Sophie Blanchard.

With a score that straddles classical music and folk, Oneida tells the story of the rise and fall of the 19th century utopian society. You probably have some of their silverware in your house. My collaborator is Beth Blatt.
This new musical explores the lives of several badass 19th Century women, often in their own words, in the format of a wild west show. My collaborator is Lisa Helmi Johanson.